Sporting CT
2025/26 Season
- Premier Soccer Tryouts for (U8-U19 players).
- Our Tryouts are held at CCR COMPLEX (395 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT) during our regular teams training.
- May 5-9 and May 12-16, 2025 will be hosting tryouts.
- The first 2 weeks in May, all registered players will be contacted to join us for our team training.
- All our current Sporting members need to also register for the 2025/26 tryouts.
- Coaches Assignments will be announced in late April or early May right before tryouts.
Tryouts Details
Our BOYS Will Play In The Following Leagues:
- EDP Futures CT League (U8-U10)
- EDP Championship CT League (U11-U19)
- NAL Academy League (U13-U19)
- FSA Indoor League during the Winter Season (late November to mid March)
- CT Indoor League (CT Sportplex, CFC Hamden and Vale in Middletown)
Our GIRLS Will Play In The Following Leagues:
- EDP Futures CT League (U8-U10).
- EDP Championship CT League (U11-U19).
- DPL League (U13-U19).
- FSA Indoor League during the Winter Season (late November to mid March).
- CT Indoor League (CT Sportplex, CFC Hamden and Vale in Middletown)
- Water bottle with your name on it!
- Come with a ball that's properly inflated: (10 PSI for a size 5 ball, 8.5 - 9 PSI for a size 4 ball).
- Have shin guards, black shorts and socks with any color t-shirt.
- Bring a BIG SMILE and come ready to COMPETE.
LOCATION: 395 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT (CCR Complex)
- Our Tryouts are held at 395 Country Club Road, Middletown during our regular teams training.
- May 5-9 and May 12-16, 2025 will be hosting tryouts.
- The first 2 weeks in May, all registered players will be contacted to join us for our team training.
- All our current Sporting members need to also register for the 2025/26 tryouts.
- Coaches Assignments will be announced in late April or early May right before tryouts.
Tryouts location will be at:
395 Country club road Middletown CT 06457.
Coaches Assignments for 2024/25 season will be announced by April 1, 2024.
Uniform fees within Sporting are a one-time cost. Our uniform cycle runs over 2 years, starting on the ‘Even’ Calendar years. Players coming into the program on the first year of the uniform cycle can keep their existing kit for two years assuming they remain with the program. Uniform cost is $317.50/player. Next uniform kit will be from September 2024 - June 2026. Orders will be placed in May or June.
Players coming in on the odd years will have their kit for 1 year and then need to purchase when the cycle renews. Playing in Nike attire our approximate costs include the following items: All uniform are order with and they will be shipped back to your home address in 3-4 weeks time once you have placed your order.
Starter Package - $317.50 + Tax (Mandatory)
- 2 x Nike Game Jersey
- 2 x Shorts
- 1x Nike Practice Jersey
- 2 x Socks
- 1x Training Jacket
Full Package - Price depending on what your total order is (OPTIONAL)
- 2 x Nike Game Jersey
- 1 x Game Shorts
- 1 x Practice Shorts
- 1 x Nike Tiempo Practice Tees
- 2 x Socks
- 1 x Pants
- 1 x Backpack
- 1 x White Nike Compression Shirt
- 1 x Winter Coat.
*Exact cost determined by sizing of the items ordered.
Sporting CT fees vary by age groups.
I acknowledge that once I have accepted a spot with Sporting CT and paid my deposit for my son or daughter to secure their spot on the team, there are no deposit refunds at all.
Any player from U8 to U18 who believes they have the required skills, ability and desire to play at the elite level of junior soccer in the state/region and ultimately has the ambition to play both in High School and College and even beyond that, professionally and internationally.
Adhering to all of the newly implemented United States Soccer Federation (USSF) mandates - Sporting request that the following age brackets are used as a guide to which age group your child should tryout for. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as playing with people you are in the same grade as or with those who may have been on your team previously.
Age groups for the 2023-24 seasonal year:
- Under 8 born between 1/1/16 - 12/31/16
- Under 9 born between 1/1/15 - 12/31/15
- Under 10 born between 1/1/14 - 12/31/14
- Under 11 born between 1/1/13 - 12/31/13
- Under 12 born between 1/1/12 - 12/31/12
- Under 13 born between 1/1/11 - 12/31/11
- Under 14 born between 1/1/10 - 12/31/10
- Under 15 born between 1/1/09 - 12/31/09
- Under 16 born between 1/1/08 - 12/31/08
- Under 17 born between 1/1/07 - 12/31/07
- Under 18/19 born between 1/1/06 & 05 -12/31/06 & 05
Complete the online registration link filling out all the required information. One of our Directors will reach out to you to set up an opportunity for your child to join training for the team who fits your age group profile.
Yes, as with the field player tryouts, there will be both a technical assessment and game observation for perspective goalkeepers. This will take place at the same time as the field player sessions. Upon arrival please make yourself known as a goalkeeper to our staff coaches and you will be positioned accordingly.
The coaches of our existing teams will conduct assessments during regularly scheduled training sessions. These sessions will also involve additional assistant coaches & the directors of our program to encourage all players are assessed accurately and fairly. Teams will be selected from a collective recommendation & feedback from the head coach, assistant coach, evaluators & program directors.
If sufficient player quality exists we will look to form squads of the following sizes:
At U8-12 we will look to create a developmental pool of 22-26 players per age (with 2 teams being fielded each week).
At U13 & above decisions on a number of teams per age group will be made relative to the interest and ability levels of participants. On any team however, squads of 20 are allowed to be registered. *Please note only 18 players can ever be dressed for a game.
*It is important to note that though these places are available, positions will not be filled unnecessarily. Only players with the appropriate credentials will be selected.
Ideally, yes! Your child should do their best to attend at least two tryouts dates. As these dates will be by appointment, there should be no issues in terms of getting your child in for training. The ‘Formal Tryout’ week is mandatory for anyone who has not made any tryout or assessment prior.
Beginning May 1st, Sporting CT Players who have registered for tryouts with the intention of returning to the program are eligible to begin receiving invitations. For players’ new to our program, upon the completion of the tryout/assessment date, players will be offered one of three responses – Registration Offer, Offer to be Practice player or No Thank You.
Final communication will occur within 1 week of the last formal tryout.
*If a place on a team is offered you will be requested to provide an answer (along with a non-refundable deposit if you say yes) to your respective coach/program director within 72 hours
YES. All current Sporting CT team players will need to attend tryouts and earn a place on a team for next season if they deside to stay with the club.
There are no guarantees that the same demographic of players will continue year on year. Infact with the different levels of development prevalent in young players it is likely that at the earlier age groups the make-up of the group will differ significantly year on year. Couple this with the fact that many younger players engage in multiple sports resulting in differing levels of interest and it is very likely there will be a number of new faces on your child’s team each year.
Yes, however without attending tryouts there is no guarantee there is going to be space available within a team or age group. If a roster is not full, and the coach perceives a new player (unattached to any other Premier Club) to have the required potential to contribute positively to the team a place can be offered mid-season.
Not indefinitely. As a club Sporting suggests a two-year maximum term for a coaching cycle. This is done for a number of reasons but primarily to ensure each of our players is exposed to a variety of delivery methods and variations on the themes within our overarching style of play. Players are, therefore, not solely exposed to one coach's ideology which we feel should help prepare them appropriately for life in High School and College, where each coach will likely possess their own specific nuances relative to the game of soccer and how it should be played.
As a club, our ambition is to develop teams with players of age who can compete at the highest level of soccer available in the state & beyond. As such, we feel like the level of competition available should be appropriate and challenging enough to accommodate each player’s developmental needs. Thus, we request that players play at their respective age groups.
*Please note - should a player differentiate themselves significantly through their performances in games and during practice, they may be afforded the opportunity to play up with an older age group within the course of the season. It is important to know that this, however, will only be considered on an individual case by case basis and typically only when they display excellence and a readiness to meet the demands of the next level across at least 3 of the 4 components of the game (technical, tactical, physical and psychosocial skills)
No. Unlike other programs, Sporting CT do not require you to pay all money up front. We ask for a $600 deposit upon registration with the rest of the fees being split over a payment plan for the rest of the year. Payment dates will typically include September, November and February installments. If payment is not complete by March players will be suspended from play until the balance is settled.
*Please note our ambition is to never have the price be a preventative factor in participation so if it is not possible to fulfill the financial obligation we do offer financial aid/scholarship packages and will work to find a model that fits your needs as long as all necessary supporting evidence is provided.
Our U8-12 teams compete at the state level so fixtures can take place anywhere within Connecticut. Expect to have 4-6 home games and 4-6 away games per season. Our home venues are one of the two MYS fields located at either 395 Country Club Rd or 300 Long Hill Rd in Middletown, CT.
Our teams aged U13 and above will compete at a Regional Level and therefore can play anywhere from MA to RI.
As a commitment to our older players and as part of the club's College Pathway program, we take our High School aged teams to a variety of College Showcase tournaments throughout the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. These events will incur a travel obligation and out of state stay.
During the winter months, our teams will train indoors at Vale in Berlin and IDS School in Middlefield, CT from December 1 - March 1st. And will play in the indoor leagues at FSA in Farmington. We also offer a lot of friendly games for our High School groups as weather permits.
We also play in CT Soccer League during the winter from December 1 t March 1.
With 3 nights a week of training available to every age group and mandatory for ages 11 and above, expect 4.5 hours per week to be committed to training. During the Spring & Fall seasons, all teams will also play at least one game per weekend.
Please note that during any of our 3 seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring) the league obligation can extend to more than one fixture per weekend.
No. While players are free to attend any additional skills clinic they may choose, they cannot represent or formally train with another competing Premier organization at ANY time during the year they are registered with our club. Failure to adhere to this will result in exclusion from our program.
Yes. At Sporting CT we have a number of supplemental programs that run throughout the course of the year, most of which are discounted for our members. These begin with our Summer Camps and extend to our MYS Clinics, Goalkeeper Programs and Futsal Clinics in the winter. Also, one on one and small private group training is an option which depends highly of coaches and fields availability.
In addition to this, however, we will work to provide our players with the opportunity to train at additional times with a younger or older group age based on our coaches' discretion.
During the Spring and Fall seasons we train at our CCR Complex in Middletown:
- Fall Season - (CCR Complex - 395 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT)
- Winter Season - We train at (Vale in Berlin and IDS in Middlefield. From: Dec 4th - March 1st).
- Winter Indoor League: We also play in the Winter FSA League for session 1 (6 games = From third week in November - End of December) & Session 2 (8 games from January to end of February) during the weekends.
- Spring Season (CCR Complex - 395 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT)
Within the Developmental pools (U8-11), players will, where possible, receive at least 50% playing time within games. Beyond this (U12) playing time will be dependent upon performance levels within both training and games. Though all players will have some involvement within each game a guarantee on quantity cannot be given.
Soccer balls come in the following official sizes:
- Size 5 - Ages 12 and up
- Size 4 - Ages 8 to 12 years
- Size 3 - Under 8 years of age
- Size 2 - Promotional soccer balls
- Size 1 - Promotional soccer balls