Sporting CT


Sporting CT's aim is to provide top coaching for all our teams. We strive to provide highly credentialed staff to ensure our players have the best experience on and off the field. Our coaches are reviewed by the Sporting CT Board of Directors to ensure we are providing top quality coaching to all our members.

Meet Our Coaches

We believe that team-dedicated coaches are one of the most important pieces of our club. A strong relationship between the coaches and each player is very important to us and we feel it is essential to the development of our players and teams. Our athletes can rely on them for instruction, guidance, mentorship and support. They balance hard work, fun, and discipline, while providing a positive and trusting environment. Our coaches strive to motivate, prepare, encourage, challenge, and teach all players. We are proud to have coaches from a variety of backgrounds, who bring diverse coaching styles and real-life soccer experiences to our club.